2021年5月16日 星期日

How to disable GUI on armbian (revert the Desktop to server)

  1. Check which Display manager that you're using currently
    cat /etc/X11/default-display-manager
    nodm should be default if you're choose auto login when setting by armbian-config
    but you're change it with lightdm or sddm, so check the display manager first.

  2. Disable current display manager
    if you're using nodm
    sudo systemctl disable nodm
    if you're using lightdm
    sudo systemctl disable lightdm
    if you're using sddm
    sudo systemctl disable sddm

  3. Reboot the system
    sudo reboot

  4. It's should be great now~



Fix msmtp does not work in old ubuntu/debian version

主要是舊版msmtp沒有處理好email header 現在的smtp伺服器會檢查mail header 寄件人跟帳號不一致不給寄 收件人不是合法mail address自然不能寄 #!/bin/bash # Workaround until mtmsp >= 1.8....